Mike Dvorchak for Supervisor
Image of Michael Dvorchak

Elect Mike Dvorchak
for Hillsdale Supervisor


I’ve seen the remarkable progress that has been made in Hillsdale first-hand over the past two decades while at the same time honoring our rich history and protecting the bucolic nature of our town. I greatly respect the effort and care that it took for the previous Supervisors and Council members to navigate this balance and am committed to building on their success.

There is a great deal of talent, energy, and community spirit in Hillsdale eager to be tapped for the betterment of the town as we prepare to become a Harlem Valley Rail Trail head. There is much work to do so I plan to reinvigorate some of the citizen committees that were instrumental in bringing about some of the positive changes. I vow to keep a steady eye on budgets and expenditures to be a good steward of taxpayers' dollars, and aggressively advocate for Hillsdale on the County Board of Supervisors (BOS).

Vote November 7
Early Voting in Hudson & Valatie runs October 28 through November 5

Read more about Mike

Dedicated Volunteer

My involvement with Hillsdale government began on Volunteer Day about 15 years ago at an event sponsored by the Hamlet Committee. While picking up trash on Route 23, I met committee members and joined soon thereafter. As a committee member, I worked to raise funds for the Project for Public Spaces project as well as for the creation of the Town Hall Park. With my husband Tim, we created a Memorial Day Flea Market and joined the Flowers to Power the Park team to raise funds for new playground equipment.

Image of Highway Cleanup
Gardening at Western Entrance Sign

Results Driven

I became Chair of the Hamlet Committee in 2012. During my four-year term, the Committee continued raising funds, holding events, and applying for Grants. Thanks to the industrious efforts of everyone on the committee, Hillsdale was awarded $750,000 grant for new sidewalks and historic lighting. I viewed my role as Chair was to keep the team focused on results and harness all the talent and energy available. I will employ the same results-driven, respectful managerial style working with not only fellow Town Board members, but with all town employees and volunteers.

Committed to Democracy

After the Presidential election of 2016, I decided to do what I could to restore the checks and balances of our government. Realizing that I lived in a swing district, I became Co-Chair of the Fundraising Committee for the Columbia County Democrats and began to raise funds and organize to elect Antonio Delgado to the U.S. House thereby gaining majority control. I then became First Vice Chair of the CCDC where I received the “Blue Boots on the Ground Award” for my GOTV effort in the 2022 Special Election of Pat Ryan to the U.S. Congress. I was honored to be invited by Pat Ryan to the U.S. Capital to attend the swearing in ceremony.

Image of State Senator Michelle Hinchey & Mike Dvorchak